The below screening questions should be used inform whether a DP/PIA is necessary. This is not an exhaustive list therefore in the event of uncertainty, completion of a DP/PIA is recommended.
Title |
Admission Consultation |
Brief description |
To determine admission arrangements for 2026-2027 admissions |
Screening completed by
Name |
Rachelle White |
Job Title |
School Admissions Manager |
Department |
Education |
| |
Review date |
Answering “Yes” to any of the questions below, is an indication that a DP/PIA is required:
Screening Questions |
Yes or No |
1 |
Use systematic and extensive profiling or automated decision-making to make significant decisions about people. |
No |
2 |
Process special category data or criminal offence data on a large scale. |
No |
3 |
Systematically monitor a publicly accessible place on a large scale. |
No |
4 |
Use new technologies, innovative technological or organisational solutions. |
No |
5 |
Use profiling, automated decision-making or special category data to help make decisions on someone’s access to a service, opportunity or benefit. |
No |
6 |
Carry out profiling on a large scale including evaluation or scoring |
No |
7 |
Process biometric or genetic data. |
No |
8 |
Combine, compare or match data from multiple sources. |
No |
9 |
Process personal data without providing a privacy notice directly to the individual and/or other processing involving preventing data subjects from exercising a right or using a service or contract. |
No |
10 |
Process personal data in a way which involves tracking individuals’ online or offline location or behaviour or other systematic monitoring |
No |
11 |
Process children’s personal data for profiling or automated decision-making or for marketing purposes, or offer online services directly to them. |
No |
12 |
Process personal data which could result in a risk of physical harm in the event of a security breach. |
NO |
Please retain a copy of this questionnaire within your project/system documentation.